The Signs of Photoaging and Aging Skin  White Lotus

The Signs of Photoaging and Aging Skin

If you think this has anything to do with photography, you are terribly wrong. Photoaging is a skin condition caused by prolonged exposure to UV rays. The UV radiation can come both from the sun or from any other artificial source that emits them. The significance of photoaging is actually skin aging caused by light.

Even though it is considered to be an aging process, this type of aging is still very different from the skin aging produced by advancing in age. Due to too much sunlight exposure, or to artificial UV sources like tanning machines, the skin’s structure is altered in a different manner. Here is what you need to know about this skin damaging process.

It is not wrong to enjoy a bit of sunlight, as it stimulates the production of vitamin D, which helps calcium to fix in our bone system. Photoaging happens when we overdo with the exposure to sunlight or when we visit the tanning salons way too often. Many people enjoy  having tanned skin, but everything has a limit. Without responsible exposure out in the sun, in time intervals when the UV  rays are not that harmful, and without proper protection, including tanning salons, our skin can suffer.

In case you are wondering how photoaging looks like, here are some representative signs telling you that the skin may be damaged by UV light

  • Thin veins may start to be visible on the skin, in the shape of a spider, often being called spider veins. These veins appear on the cheek, nose, and neck.
  • Wrinkles will start to appear, in the shape of fine lines, usually around the eyes, mouth, and the lines on the forehead, as you frown, will become more visible. If the exposure to the UV light continues in the same manner, these wrinkles will become deeper and will become highly visible lines.
  • The skin will start to have an uneven color, brown spots and freckles being present on its surface.
  • Also, in the areas where the skin was most exposed, the skin tone is different to the rest of the surrounding areas.
  • The lips will look damaged as well, losing their fullness and natural color.
  • The skin will also lose its suppleness, starting to saggy and have a dry appearance.
  • Brown age spots will begin to appear on the face and arms.
  • Prolonged exposure to UV can lead to the actinic keratosis, which are red spots with a rough and scaly appearance. These can be pre-cancerous, so a close surveillance of this sign is required.

So, no matter how much you like the sun, you should limit it to a healthy amount. Try to enjoy the sun early in the morning, without exceeding 11 a.m. at most. Also, in the afternoon it is best to stay out of the sun until after 5 p.m. when the sun will not have as much power as it does at noon. It would be great if you can avoid tanning salons, as much as possible. Learn to accept yourself the way you are, even if you have a fairer skin complexion because it is not good to put your skin to such a stress.

A really good healthy diet helps prevent photoaging along with drinking lots of water and green tea. Using a dermaroller regularly can also treat and prevent photoaging in aging and youthful looking skin.